We are the first interdisciplinary and creative non profit organisation that provides immersive interactive services to other non profit organisations that share the vision of saving the Earth while creating a peaceful-loving-rational-mindful and creative society. The immersive interactive services will serve as a medium to help other non profit organisations to create a bigger impact about their ideas. Not only physical immersive services will be provided, but also a democratic knowledge sharing platform will be created to raise funds. The money will be used for hiring interdisciplinary creative artists with high paying salaries. The world does not need software developers or creative artists working for big corporations to exploit their intelectual resources while not being able to show and explore their fullest potential. We need to create an organisation that is passion driven and not money driven. However, in the system that we live in, money plays a crucial role. Therefore, we need to adequately remunerate to get the best creatives and achieve our vision.
Our vision is to create a peaceful organisation, that distributes resources in the most optimal way. Our concrete proposal is a Berlin based co-living building for hundreds of interdisciplinary creatives, where we provide food, water, electricity, Internet, computers, machines and any other needed resource to explore human creativity. The co-living will have sport, entertainment, mindfulness and knowledge centers. We want to create in peace without worrying about money or burocracy. All the creative output will be related to the Symbiotism movement and will be expressed in an individual and collective creative way. We will help each other to create the next level of quality of immersive art to make this society sustainable inside capitalism. We only want to create in peace with the necessary resources to do it.